Very Big ExpressionEngine Sites
Hop Studios has done a great service for us ExpressionEngine folk - they’ve published a list of the largest 15 sites using EE.
Read More »We’ve been extremely busy here at Shotwell lately. Not only have we seen a wonderful deluge of new client work, but we’ve been trying to stay sane and beat the cold San Francisco summer with a few travels (it’s been a miserable 50F every day all summer). We’re really backed up on posting all the cool portfolio pieces we’ve launched but rest assured, as soon as we meet our obligations to launch some of the sites we’re working on now (about five of them will launch before the end of September) and push Socialee for EE2.1 out the door, we’ll post some nice screenshots and describe a few of these sites that we’re so proud of.
Speaking of Socialee, we are nearly ready to launch Socialee 1.2, which will be the EE2.1 compatible version of Socialee. Janrain recently updated their branding and a few of their scripts which delayed the launch and added a few bugs. There are still a few bugs but we’ll squash those and I’d guess we’ll be able to push the new version out the door by the end of August. Don’t hold me to it, we’re working on a schedule similar to EllisLabs and I’ll probably learn the same lesson they did when they attached a release date to their products (we want to hold ourselves to this date - the public declaration should help, but we’re afraid of disappointing people if we delay further!).
Anyway, keep following us on twitter for the latest on Socialee and have a great rest of the summer.