Project Detail: Playing for Change Foundation
Playing for Change Foundation
If you are not one of the 53 million or more who’ve seen the Playing For Change “Song Around the World” videos yet, stop looking at this portfolio page right now, and go to their YouTube page, immediately. Go ahead. We’ll wait while you get hip to one of the best and most inspirational things on the Internet.
Playing For Change is dedicated to connecting the world through music. Their foundation was established to help ensure that anyone with the desire to receive a music education will have the opportunity to do so. It funds schools, musical instrument purchases, and teachers in places as far flung as Nepal and Rwanda.
We worked with the Citizen Group to build the foundation’s website. Donate to the cause, check out video galleries, read the blog, volunteer, participate, share music, and more at their website.
Link: playingforchange.orgProject Features
- 53 Million Video Views
- 10 Programs
- 750 Students
- 150 Jobs Created
- Design: Citizen Group