Project Detail: Phantom Vox
Phantom Vox
A true mash-up and one of the most fun and creative collaborations we have worked on. is the official fan club site for singer/songwriter Draco Rosa, Phantom Vox’s founder, and also a resource center and meeting point for Puerto Rican artists and art enthusiasts. The site contains content published by Phantom Vox, which is managed through a custom content management system developed by Matt Nisonger. We collaborated with Matt, building the site’s front end to his ASP back end. A year later, Phantom Vox asked us to integrate a community area into the site, where users could post video and image art and participate in an ongoing open forum. The Shotwell Company built this side of the site in ExpressionEngine with multiple customizations (PHP) and a seamless integration with YouTube. As such, combines multiple technologies into one seamless user experience.
Link: phvx.comProject Features
- ExpressionEngine
- Custom Content Management system
- Bulletin Board
- YouTube Integration
- User Generated content
- Original design: bait Web site design, HTML, CSS: Marc Katzschner ExpressionEngine, PHP: Tyler Martin Custom content management system, ASP: Matt Nisonger