Project Detail: End Poverty 2015

End Poverty 2015

“Hi guys, The UN likes the work you guys did! ...” If you’re with the IAEA or with U2, you may be used to receiving e-mails that start this way. For us it was a first, and we’ve been kinda’ glow-y and tingly inside, ever since. The message came from Tu at Citizen, with whom we were collaborating to rebuild the Home page on the UN’s “End Poverty by 2015” Web site. We also built a new Resources (Press, Media, etc.) section and helped the UN migrate the website to a more robust server environment.

In addition to providing us with another project to instill a sense of pride and purpose in all of us, the End Poverty site was also a nice opportunity to flex our Drupal muscles (site was originally built by a third party, using the Drupal CMS).


Project Features

  • 8 goals
  • Less than 5 years left to achieve them
  • Huge task
  • Drupal site, enhanced and improved by Shotwell

  • Design: Citizen Group