Liz L., March 5th, 2010

Just launched!

We did it! We’ve just launched the new ecommerce site for Canadian record label Arts & Crafts

This site was a big one for us at the Shotwell Company.  Working with the mighty beast that is Magento has had it’s challenges - and it’s rewards.  I personally learned a great deal about the zend framework and picked up some valuable skills regarding project management.  Marc was the champion of client phone calls, meetings, and long email threads that got to the nitty-gritty of what needed to be done. Tyler and Gabriel worked tirelessly around the clock to make sure the legacy data was in place and that the site launch was ultimately a success.  We’re all very proud of our work, and we invite you all to have a looksie. 

Oh, yeah, and the music they sell is awesome!!! What a fun project smile